Wednesday, December 29, 2010

paskuhan sa new york 2010

Woodside - We thank everyone who made this celebration successful, thanks to those who came, we missed those that did not make it. Cheers to new-found brods Modesto 'Ding' Dia UPLB '54, Ray Laroco SLU '79, Raphael Salonga UERM '74B, Dominador 'Doy' Tugade FEU-NRMF '84 - who were at the party, some with their family like brod Doy who along with his awesome sons provided live band music.

Thanks to sis Beth Brigino with brod Ricky Barrera - driving from Maryland. Great to be with dancing queens - visiting sis Jolirose Tiu & sis Dang Tatel seen here with New York GP Jun Castro.

Thanks to the Sigma Betans, our ever beautiful and reliable sisters for making the party lively.

Thanks to our Better-Halves and Children who make us truly a Beta Sigma Family.

Thanks to Eastern USA brods - GP Wally Kison, Joe Llames, Nick Galvez, Danny Jhocson, Doy Tugade, Grash Balacuit and Franklin 'Santa' Gabriel, again kudos to brod Franklin for his efforts, the whole family in tow, the limo service for Jersey brods and he was coming straight from a graveyard shift at work, no sleep for this die-hard betan.

A Prosperous New Year to Everyone! - NEW YORK BETA SIGMA