New York - from the recently concluded NYC Marathon with 45,000 participants from different countries...
Congratulations brod Erick Labios, finisher and one of a few thousand who clocked in at under 4hrs, his name included in the print edition of the New York Times (11/8/10).
Brod Erick flew in from the Philippines after winning in the NYC Marathon Lottery held back in Manila earlier this year and gain a spot to participate here in New York City at this Major Marathon.
New York Beta Sigma & Sigma Beta got together for some happy hour drinks and appetizers at the east village in Krystals Cafe 81 for some jug-a-lug to congratulate and give a despedida for brod Erick, who make us all proud.
Mabuhay ang kapatirang Beta Sigma!
Mabuhay ang kapatirang Sigma Beta!

James, Vic, Grash, malmon marathoner Erick, Mer, LC, Kathy & Floyd
In the photo below: A welcome dinner for brod Erick in Woodside, Queens hosted by Chet Almazan. Standing from left, Mer, Nilo, James, Hanzel, James Madduma, seated from left, marathoner Erick, host Chet, New York GP Jun and Floyd.