We Few, We Happy Few, We Band of Beta Sigma Brothers.
We all know that most part of NCR were affected, most especially in Marikina, Cainta(Rizal), Pasig City, Quezon City, and some part of Caloocan, Malabon, and Manila. There are so many organizations, charities and social services that are rendering their support to all the calamity victims. In our own little way, we render our full support to all our BETAN families who were affected as well. - Rhaizza Camero FEU-NRMF '01B
Malmon greetings of peace and prosperity.
Beta Sigma Fraternity New York Chapter Foundation, a registered not for profit organization in the state of New York with the purpose of raising funds and generating resources to fulfill its objectives, some of which are "To promote self-reliance of alumni members of the Beta Sigma Fraternity of the Philippines and their family members, improve health and living conditions of economically disadvantaged residents of the Philippines especially in those communities which are adversely affected by natural disasters and calamities.."
In the wake of the devastating aftermath of typhoon 'Ondoy' in Metro Manila and 'Pepeng' in Northern Luzon, whose hardest hit victims include some members of the Beta Sigma fraternity, the Sigma Beta sorority and their family members. New York Beta Sigma is initiating a relief drive dubbed as "Operation Big Brother - Relief for Malmon Family: Victims of 'Ondoy' and 'Pepeng'. We are appealing to your kindness and generosity as we humbly ask for your help in donating any amount or any other goods that you wish to share.
For your monetary contribution, please make your check to BETA SIGMA FRATERNITY and on the memo line OBB/ Ondoy Victims and send it to GOTC Mer Quimson at 18 Battery Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11228.
For your donations in kind - within the Metro New York area which includes New Jersey and Connecticut, please have them ready and for your convenience, we will arrange for it to be picked up or dropped off at a designated place, the number to call is 1-646-644-5213.
New York Beta Sigma is coordinating with various Beta Sigma Alumni Associations based in Metro Manila, the Sigma Beta Alumnae Association National Capital Region to ensure that members affected by this tragedy directly receive the help they need. All contributions will be reported and documented, updates shall be made available and published in this blog.
If you wish to volunteer and help out in this OBB, please email your contact information at obb_ondoyvictims@newyorkbetasigma.org
We thank you for your help, in this time of need.
Beta Sigma Fraternity New York Chapter Foundation